The Fine Print

All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is © Kim Bridges. Some supplies are from Stampin' UP & some from the local craft store! unless otherwise stated. My artwork is shared only for your personal inspiration and may not be copied for publication or contest submission. The Internet, Blogs, Publications, etc have inspired me.

When I see something I like,  I CASE (Copy and Share Everything), which is perfectly fine -- I encourage it. If you want to copy one of my cards to give to someone go right ahead, that's why they are here. If you are a Stampin' UP! demo and would like to use my card for a class or workshop that's OK too. Just please do not submit any of my original work to any contest or publication.

If you do find inspiration from one of my creations send me a email or leave me a comment. I would love to see your creation too. :o)
Thanks you for your integrity concerning this.